Here is an overview of some of the trainings I have followed to educate myself in Learning&Development.

I am a licensed Insights Discovery Practitioner since 2019.

This tool can help you to increase your personal effectiveness, team effectiveness, sales effectiveness or leadership effectiveness. Contact me to know what else I can offer here.

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Coaching Essentials

Quintessence Consulting 2015

Coachen met ACT

Bewezen Effect 2023

These trainings are the foundation of my coaching approach. I truly believe people have the potential to grow within them. It is just a matter of nurturing and stimulating that growth. Contact me to know what else I can offer here.

Using neuroscience for more effective L&D

LinkedIn by Stella Collins 2021

Breinvriendelijk Trainen

Bewezen Effect 2020

Professional Trainer

HRD Academy 2014

These trainings support my solid foundation in Learning and Development and facilitation. Contact me to know what else I can offer here.

Master in Biology

KULeuven 2000

My background in science allows me to also have an understanding of how the human brain works and helps me to analyse and deduct.

More certifications can be found on my LinkedIn Account

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to contact me. I’m always happy to talk you through it.

Contact details can be found here.