Inspiration on learning topics by Learing Journey

Ilse Segers from Learning Journey

I’m thrilled to welcome you to my inspiration page for learning. I firmly believe that continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth, and I’m excited to share with you some insights and ideas to inspire you on your learning journey.

On this page, you’ll find a hand-picked collection of articles and posts covering various topics, such as customer-centricity, leadership, and growth mindset. I’ve curated this collection based on my own experiences and from experts in the field, including insightful LinkedIn posts.

For me, learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about applying that knowledge to achieve real-world results.

Whether you’re interested in developing a customer-centric approach, learning about growth mindset, or discovering new leadership insights, I hope you’ll find something here that will inspire you to take action and achieve your goals.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my inspiration page, and I hope you enjoy exploring the content!

Do you believe that customer-centricity is key for the success of your business?

The brave man is not who does not feel afraid but he who conquers fear

Keep it simple

Telling is not teaching – but what is teaching?

Successfull teams are like rainforests…their diversity is their strength.

Growth mindset at any life stage

Growth mindset (Insights Discovery) DUTCH post

Leadership (Insights Discovery) DUTCH post

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